Finite State Machine & Behavior Tree in Robotics

Comparison between Finite State Machine and Behavior Tree.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Robotic systems require effective control architectures to achieve complex behaviors and desired outcomes. Two widely used control architectures in robotics applications are Finite State Machines (FSMs) and Behavior Trees (BTs), each with unique benefits and challenges. This article provides an in-depth look at FSMs and BTs, exploring their inner workings, advantages, and disadvantages. Additionally, we discuss real-world examples demonstrating their application in robotics.

How It Works?

Finite State Machines

  • A discrete model of computation composed of states, transitions, and actions.
  • Each state represents a specific behavior, while transitions define the conditions for changing states.
  • Actions are associated with entering, executing, or leaving a state.
  • FSMs can be designed as Mealy machines (output depends on the current state and input) or Moore machines (output depends on the current state only).

Behavior Trees

  • A hierarchical model of computation that combines decision-making and task execution.
  • Nodes in the tree can be categorized as control nodes (e.g., sequence, selector, parallel), decorator nodes (e.g., inverter, repeater), and action nodes (e.g., move, stop).
  • Control flow is determined by the traversal of the tree, starting from the root node and following the tree’s edges based on specific conditions.
  • BTs allow for dynamic re-planning and reactive behaviors.


Finite State Machines


  • Intuitive structure, easy to understand and implement.
  • Provides a clear framework for representing complex behaviors.
  • Capable of handling multiple input and output events effectively.


  • Complexity increases exponentially with the addition of states and transitions.
  • Inflexible and may require significant modifications to include new behaviors or states.
  • Limited capability to manage context-dependent behaviors and decision-making.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting can be time-consuming and challenging.

Behavior Trees


  • Offers a flexible, modular, and extensible structure for modeling intricate behaviors.
  • Effectively handles context-sensitive behaviors and dynamic decision-making processes.
  • Encourages modularity and reusability through sub-trees, enabling code sharing and easier maintenance.
  • Provides a clear visualization of behavior execution and decision-making processes, aiding in understanding and debugging.


  • Steeper learning curve for understanding and implementing, particularly in complex systems.
  • Necessitates comprehensive planning, design, and testing to create efficient and effective trees.
  • Can be computationally expensive, particularly for large, complex, or deeply nested trees.
  • Troubleshooting complex behaviors and decision-making processes can be challenging.


Finite State Machines

  • Robot navigation: An FSM-based navigation system represents different robot states (e.g., moving forward, turning left, stopping) and transitions based on sensor input, efficiently managing basic navigation tasks.
  • Robot arm control: An FSM-based robot arm control system represents various arm states (e.g., picking up an object, moving the object, releasing the object) and transitions based on operator or sensor input, enabling precise control of the robotic arm.

Behavior Trees

  • Autonomous driving: A BT-based autonomous driving system represents the car’s decision-making process (e.g., stopping at red lights, yielding to pedestrians, adhering to the speed limit) and accommodates dynamic, context-sensitive decision-making for safe navigation.
  • Swarm robotics: A BT-based swarm robotics system represents the robots’ collective behaviors (e.g., obstacle avoidance, flocking behavior, target tracking) and allows for dynamic decision-making based on individual robot sensor input and overall swarm context, enabling coordinated and efficient swarm behavior.


Finite State Machines and Behavior Trees are both powerful control architectures used in robotics applications, with unique advantages and challenges. FSMs provide an intuitive structure and are easy to implement, but their complexity can grow exponentially as states and transitions increase. BTs offer a flexible, modular, and extensible structure for modeling complex behaviors and dynamic decision-making processes but can be more challenging to understand, implement, and troubleshoot for complex systems.

Ultimately, the choice between FSMs and BTs depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the robotics application. Engineers and developers must carefully consider the system’s complexity, the need for dynamic decision-making, and the importance of modularity and reusability when selecting the appropriate control architecture. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both FSMs and BTs, one can make an informed decision that best meets the needs of the robotic system.