Bundle Adjustment

About bundle adjusment

Bundle adjustment is a critical optimization technique in computer vision, which refines camera parameters and 3D structure estimations simultaneously. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of bundle adjustment, its applications, and its significance in computer vision and photogrammetry.

What Is It?

Bundle adjustment is a non-linear optimization technique used to minimize the reprojection error between observed and projected image points. It refines the estimated camera parameters (intrinsics and extrinsics) and the 3D structure of the scene, providing a more accurate representation of the environment.

Reprojection Error

Reprojection error refers to the difference between the observed image points and the points projected onto the image plane using the estimated camera parameters and 3D structure. Minimizing this error ensures that the optimized parameters are a better fit for the actual scene.

Non-linear Optimization

Bundle adjustment is a non-linear optimization problem due to the complex relationship between the camera parameters and 3D structure. To solve this, iterative techniques such as the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm are used to minimize the reprojection error.


Structure from Motion (SfM)

Structure from Motion (SfM) is a computer vision technique used to estimate the 3D structure of a scene from a set of 2D images. Bundle adjustment plays a crucial role in SfM, refining the camera parameters and 3D structure obtained from initial feature matching and triangulation steps.


Photogrammetry involves obtaining reliable measurements and 3D models from photographs. Bundle adjustment is a vital step in photogrammetric pipelines, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the final 3D models.

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)

In SLAM, a robot or a device simultaneously builds a map of its environment while estimating its position within the map. Bundle adjustment is often used in SLAM algorithms, particularly in visual SLAM, to optimize the camera parameters and the 3D structure of the environment.


Bundle adjustment is essential in computer vision as it ensures the accuracy and robustness of the estimated camera parameters and 3D structure. By minimizing the reprojection error, bundle adjustment improves the quality of 3D reconstructions, making them more reliable for various applications, such as autonomous navigation, virtual reality, and 3D mapping.


Bundle adjustment is a powerful optimization technique that refines camera parameters and 3D structure estimations in computer vision applications. By minimizing the reprojection error, it ensures the accuracy and consistency of the final 3D models, making it an indispensable component in Structure from Motion, photogrammetry, and SLAM algorithms.